All purchases are made in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policy.
Public Tenders
When the City issues public tenders they are issued on Registration for an account is free, and will provide you access to competition documents and information. Once logged in, choose the organization type Municipalities and select City of Meadow Lake.
All purchases of goods or services over $75,000 or construction contracts over $200,000 must be posted to the Sasktenders site. This includes tenders for things like paving and other similar work.
Becoming a Vendor to the City of Meadow Lake
Any purchases under $75,000 but above $5,000 will be tendered through the department making the purchase, who maintain lists of possible vendors. To have your company added to the vendor list, please fill out the form below and return it to the City via fax to 306-236-4299.
Accounts Payable
Vendors looking for payment status on their invoice(s) may contact Accounts Payable at 306-236-3622 ext 202 or via email. Current vendors who wish to be paid via electronic funds transfer may complete an EFT Application Form and fax the completed form to 306-236-4299.
Items / Property for Sale by Tender
Notice of property or equipment for sale by public tender will be posted on the Public Notices page.