
Want to be a Firefighter?

Firefighters in Meadow Lake are "Paid-on-call" firefighters.  These are members of the community who work elsewhere but are able to leave their jobs and residences to respond to emergency incidents.  

Recruit applications are always welcome.  Pre-requisites are basic and include a drivers licence, high school education and excellent references.  Prior experience and training in a variety of other fields is, of course, a great asset. 

New recruits are trained and certified as firefighters mainly through a combination of in-house and online training. Our members have the opportunity, over the course of a few years, to obtain professional firefighter qualifications and a range of other certifications.  Whenever possible, we send members to training events hosted by the Saskatchewan Volunteer Firefighters Association, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs, the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency, and various other organisations.

New recruits progress at their own pace, following a recruit development plan that includes in-house and online self-study courses.  Members are never asked to carry out hazardous work for which they are not adequately trained.

Please see the pages below for further information and application forms.