Following are some web links to other organizations in our community or to sites which can provide more information about our community. The preferred link is to a web site but if none is available then an email address is provided.
211 Saskatchewan
An extensive searchable database of community and government services
Meadow Lake & District Chamber of Commerce
For local business information, please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 306-236-4061 or visit their website, listed above.
Prairie North Regional Health Authority
The Prairie North Health Region has many organizations which proves we are committed to working together to promote and support healthy living. Please contact Prairie North Health Region for more information.
Meadow Lake & District Humane Society
Northwest School Division No. 203
Government Representatives
Government Agencies
Safer Communities and Neighborhoods (Provincial SCAN program)
Employment and Social Development Canada
Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics
Statistics Canada Community Profiles
Animal Protection Services Saskatchewan
Public Services
Meadow Lake Native Urban Housing
Real Estate
HeadStart on a Home Program
An initiative to build entry level homes in Saskatchewan.
Meadow North Realty: Real Estate
RE/MAX of the Battlefords: Meadow Lake Real Estate