Garbage and Recycling
Waste and recycling in the City are collected by Protex Enviro (see Waste Collection Bylaw ). If you have a question about residential service, please contact either the City or Protex Enviro at (306) 236 5200.
Residential curbside collection alternates between garbage and recycling every other week. The Calendar below shows which weeks are regular garbage pickup and which weeks are recycle pickup. To find which day of the week your garbage and recycling is picked up, see the Pickup Schedule Map.
Collection Tips
- Please ensure your cart is out by 7:30 a.m. on your collection day. Carts may be placed out the night before, but cannot be left out on the street for over 24 hours
- Clear access to your cart is required for collection. Please ensure you cart is at least 3 feet away from parked vehicles and other obstructions.
- Containers with materials prohibited under the waste collection bylaw will not be collected.
- Please do not place grass clippings in either cart. Grass clippings, leaves and branches can be taken to the composting site at the East end of 9th Avenue.
Extra Carts
Each residential property is provided with one blue recycle and one black garbage cart. A second cart may be purchased from the City by the property owner. The initial cost for a second cart is $100, and a second collection fee will be added to your quarterly utility bill.
Once recyclable items leave Meadow Lake, they are delivered to a sorting facility in Saskatoon. Services such as scrap metal recycling are also available through Protex Enviro.
What can go in my recycle bin?
Single Stream Recycling Program Details
The City of Meadow Lake has developed a compost facility for the residents of the City of Meadow Lake (see Compost Site Policy) . The compost facility is located at the very end of 9th Avenue East. Materials accepted are leaves, branches, grass & garden vegetation. No other materials are accepted at this time. All items are to be sorted at the compost facility (Leaves / Branches / Grass & Garden). Please click on the following link for further composting information.
Compost Bin Rebate
The City also offers a one-time compost bin rebate program for City residents (see Compost Bin Rebate Policy). Your household may purchase a compost bin from a vendor within the City of Meadow Lake and turn in the receipt to City hall as proof of purchase. This rebate will only be issued once per household. City staff will verify that a prior rebate or subsidized compost bin has not yet been provided for your household. Please note that the rebate does not apply to construction materials purchased for building a compost bin, to kitchen compost pails, or to the service fee for a curbside compost collection program. See the flyer below for more info.
Curbside Compost Collection
Within the the CIty, Protex Enviro also offers a yard waste curbside collection service. People can choose whether to participate.
Yard organics allowable for collection are:
- Unbagged leaves
- Unbagged grass clippings
- Non-woody vegetation
No branches, logs, stumps, kitchen scraps, garbage or other recyclable items allowed as per City guidelines. (see Composting Bylaw). Pick up is every 2 weeks and on the same day as your recycling. Seasonal cost is $75.00 + Taxes and Fees (approximately May to October) – Payment due upon delivery of bin. How to sign up? Call 306-236-5200, email, or you can also check out their website at See the flyer below for more information.
Flyer - Curbside Compost Collection
Other Recycling Options
Please view the following links for current recycling options:
- Meadow Lake - Recycling Options
- SARRC Used Oil, Filter, Antifreeze and Container Recycling Program
- Sask Waste Reduction Council