The City issues a number of different types of permits and licenses to regulate activities within the community. The most common permit and license types are listed here. You can also contact us by email or call City Hall for more information.
Pet Licenses
Dog licenses are required for each dog whose primary residence is within City limits. Licenses must be renewed each calendar year, and are due by February 28. For more information about dog licenses, visit our animal control page.
The City does not have license requirements for other types of pets at this time. Other pets are regulated under the Animal Keeping Bylaw.
Business Licenses
Business licenses are required annually for any business that does not operated out of a commercially taxed building within City limits. This includes home-based businesses and non-local businesses. Licences are due by February 28 each year, or at the time the business starts operating within the community. Discounts may be available for early renewals and certain license types.
More information, including license rates, types and regulations, is available on the business license page.
Fire Pit Permits
A permit is required for outdoor fire pits within City limits. The permit fee of $25 covers the cost of the inspection to ensure your fire pit follows the local rules. These include:
- fire pits must be located at least 3 meters away from property lines and 6 meters away from dwellings;
- they cannot be located under a power line or next to combustible materials;
- they must be constructed of sturdy materials, permanently installed on a base which prevents plant growth, and fitted with a screen or cover to prevent flyaway debris.
Further information, including permit application forms, is available here
A copy of the residential fire pits bylaw can be viewed here. Or read this flyer for more information.
If you have further questions, you can send us an email or call City Hall at 306-236-3622.
Fireworks Permits
A permit from the Fire Chief is required for any fireworks display within City limits. Large community fireworks displays also require proof of insurance and must be done under the supervision of someone holding a valid Fireworks Supervisor accreditation from the federal government. Fireworks permit applications should be submitted a minimum of seven days before the planned display.
Please see the Fire Department section for further information and permit application forms,
Parade, Street or Sidewalk Use Permits
A temporary street use permit is required if you want to close down all or part of a street or sidewalk, and may be issued for any of the following:
- construction;
- demolition;
- sales or fairs;
- parades;
- block parties; or
- other commercial or community uses
There is a permit fee of $50-$100 for commercial uses, and no charge for community uses. However, a permit is still required.
Having a permit helps us make sure that emergency services are aware of your street closure, that there is no major road or utility work planned during your project, and that neighbors and other affected parties have a way of knowing what is going on.
For more information, you can view the temporary street use policy.
Temporary Street or Sidewalk Use Permit Application
Raffle Licenses
Licenses for charitable gaming, including prize raffles, are issued by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA). Applications can be made online here.
All charitable or religious organizations who apply for a lottery license through SLGA are automatically eligible for a grant of 25% of the net proceeds, up to a maximum of $100,000, as long as they return their financial reports and remain in good standing. More information on the grant program is available here.
Excavation Permits
A permit is required for anyone to dig on City streets or other public land. This permit helps ensure:
- that water and sewer locates are done prior to digging;
- that the work is carried out safely;
- that emergency services are aware of any road closures and have contact information for the site contractor; and
- that the street, sidewalk, or other public assets are returned to their original condition after the work is completed.
Excavation permits are issued by the Engineering Department.
Bylaws & Policies
Development Permits
Before you get a building permit, a development permit is usually also required. The development permit is to ensure that your proposed project will follow the City's Zoning Bylaws and will consider questions like:
- Is the proposed use allowed in this zoning area?
- Is a public hearing required before this proposed use can be considered?
- Is the lot big enough for the proposed use?
- Will there be enough parking provided?
- How will this development impact the neighbouring properties and community at large?
For many developments, such as a single family dwelling, the development permit process is fairly straightforward. However, for some projects a more involved public consultation process and/or bylaw amendment may be required. It is best to speak to City Administration about your project plans at the beginning of your project to make sure it adheres to all relevant bylaws, in order to avoid expensive project modifications later.
An overview of the development application process is available in this document.
Other links you may be looking for:
Building Permits
Building permits are required for all construction within the City in order to ensure construction is being done to code. The only construction that does not require a permit is:
- fences shorter than 6 feet (fences must be within the property lines and not block sight lines at intersections);
- ground-level patios and decks;
- storage sheds less than 10 square meters (107 square feet) in area; and
- minor renovations that do not involve a change to the structure or use of the building. These include repainting, residing, re-shingling, etc.
More information about building permits is available on the building standards page.
Plumbing Permits
All plumbing permits are issued by the Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan. Visit for more information.
Demolition Permits
A demolition permit is required when any structure is demolished or moved to a different site. A demolition permit helps ensure that:
- the building is demolished safely;
- any utility services are properly disconnected;
- the site is restored to a safe condition; and
- your property taxes are updated to reflect that the building is no longer on your lot.
The demolition permit application is available here.
Skunk Trap Permits
The City will loan out our skunk traps to property owners and residents within City limits, subject to their Skunk Trap Permit Application being approved. Traps will be issued in the order of requests and availability. In accordance with animal cruelty legislation, traps will not be set or issued during the winter months, or when the temperature is below -10 or above 30 degrees.
The skunk traps policy is available here.
The permit form is available here.
Special Occasion Permits
In order to obtain a Special Occasion Sales Liquor Permit for outdoor events or for events held in municipal sports facilities, the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority mandates that approval is required by the City and that a confirmation letter of this approval is provided when applying for the permit. To obtain a confirmation letter, the application form linked below must be completed and submitted a minimum of four weeks prior to the event.
Special Occasion Permit Application Form
For more information about your responsibilities as an event organizer and whether your event will be eligible for municipal approval. See our Special Event Permits Policy.