Tax Payments and Penalties
Making Payments Online
If you are using the on-line banking services of your financial institution, you may want to use it to pay your City utility and tax accounts. We are currently set up to take payments from CIBC, Credit Union and the Royal Bank.
For instructions on setting up your property tax account for online payments, please view this document.
TIPPS (Tax Installment Payment Program)
Since 2016, we have offered TIPPS (Tax Installment Payment Plan Service), allowing ratepayers to have monthly payments automatically withdrawn from their bank accounts rather than making a lump sum payment. If you are using the TIPPS service, there are no late penalties charged for the monthly installment payments made after July 31. For more information on TIPPS, please view the information sheet and application form below.
Other Payment Options
Accounts can also be paid through cheque, in person at City Hall, or by interac e-transfer. More information about these payment options is available in this document.
Please Note if you are paying any account by e-transfer it is your responsibility to ensure we have enough information to correctly assign your payment. If you need to send additional instructions for your payment, please do so by emailing