2024 Council Candidates
The City of Meadow Lake's Municipal General Election is taking place on November 13th 2024. After the close of the withdraw period following Nomination Day, a total of 10 nomination packages were received for the position of Council, which there are 6 positions. As for Mayor, only one nomination package was received. Merlin Seymour has been acclaimed as Mayor for another term.
Candidate Eligibility in Municipal Elections
Under section 42(1) of the Local Government Elections Act, 2015, the following are regulations of candidates that are running for office within the City of Meadow Lake:
(a) is at least 18 years of age on the day of the election;
(b) is not disqualified pursuant to this or any other Act;
(c) is a Canadian citizen at the time the nomination paper is submitted;
(d) has resided in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which the nomination paper is submitted; and
(i) has resided in that municipality, or on land now in that municipality, for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which the nomination paper is submitted.
Under legislation, each nomination package must be posted in the municipal office (City Hall) for inspection by the public. Nomination packages can be examined during regular business hours Monday - Friday.
Candidate Profiles
All candidates running for Council were asked to provide a candidate profile as a way to introduce themselves to the public and provide information as to why they chose to run. Out of 10 nomination packages submitted, 8 candidate profiles were received.
Meet the 2024 Council Candidates
Martin Bishop
Hi my name is Marty Bishop. I have lived in Meadow Lake with my wife Val for the past 51 years. I am retired and have spent the last 2 years on council. I have a small production company and this lets me stay involved with a lot of the events happening in the city. I am also quite involved in my church. I believe in being accountable to the citizens of Meadow Lake and by listening to them my hope would be to bring the 2 groups closer together. I believe city beautification and a strong business community will attract more people to our city.
Ron Dishko
I am currently the Operations Manager for the Meadow Lake Co-op, a city representative on the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Recreation Board. I volunteer for many events and try to help wherever I can. I enjoy fishing and being outdoors. I was honored to be elected to Council in 2019. I am excited to keep working with Merlin and the City Council to help Meadow Lake continue to upgrade streets and infrastructure, continue the plan for growth of this great city, to see the completion of the Co-op Centre, as well as working with policing agencies to ensure that Meadow Lake is a safe place to live and raise a family. Meadow Lake is an amazing community, which I am proud to call home. I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to its continued economic growth, sustainability and to play a role in marketing the city as a destination spot to work, live, and play.
Anne Duriez
During the last 22 years, my community involvement has been primarily through my health-related work within Meadow Lake and surrounding communities. I have a Bachelor of Social Work degree, and work experience in senior care, with services to young families, and marginalized populations.
My involvement with the Meadow Lake Interagency Committee allows me to understand the strengths, resources, and needs of Meadow Lake. For example, a lack of varied and affordable housing impacts families, singles, seniors, and employee recruitment for agencies and businesses.
I intend to contribute to community health, wellbeing, and quality of life, by bringing a health-in-all-decisions lens to council decision-making. My vision for the community includes making Meadow Lake, a community that is attractive to young families and to seniors who are looking for a community where they can be active and socially connected.
My personal interests include reading, creative writing, gardening, live music, dancing, and antique cars.
Mike Ferguson
Hello everyone, my name is Mike Ferguson, and I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself, share my background, and explain why I believe I will be an effective city councilor for the citizens of Meadow Lake, SK.
My family moved to Meadow Lake in 1978 when I was nine years old. I grew up here and attended school, graduating in 1988. In 1992, I met my future wife, Carol, a local from the St. Cyr area. We married in 1995 and moved to Saskatoon, SK, where we lived until 2003. Shortly after the birth of our youngest son, we realized how important it was for our children—Laura, Sam, and Nicolis—to grow up around family and in the community, we called home. So, we packed up and returned to Meadow Lake, and we’ve been here ever since. Our kids have now grown up and moved away to pursue their own futures and write their own life stories. Carol has a background in Human Resources, and I’m the General Manager of a local building supplies company.
I believe I would be a valuable asset to the City Council, the taxpayers, and the citizens of Meadow Lake, not only because I love this community but because I deeply believe in it. Over the past 45 years, I’ve seen a lot—some good, some bad, some tragic, and some moments of overwhelming joy and happiness.
If you were to ask about my goals or vision as a city councilor, they would be as follows:
1. To never lose sight of the fact that I am the voice of the people who believe in and trust me to do the best job I can. (and with this being prudent with your money)
2. I believe our city can improve its transparency and communication with the citizens, and I’m confident I can help us achieve that.
3. With my management experience and education, I can bring a fresh perspective and a voice to help move business forward in a way that benefits everyone.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mike Ferguson for City Council
Tom Harrison
Tom and his wife Lorna has lived, worked and raised a family in Meadow Lake for the past 37 years. He spent the majority of his career serving the people of Saskatchewan as a Conservation Officer, Park Manager and Senior Director in the Ministry of Environment. After retirement he worked for 3 years as a management consultant to Mosaic Potash delivering productivity and leadership training. He has volunteered on many community initiatives in Meadow lake and boards such as minor hockey, the golf club and the Saskatchewan summer games.
As a member of City Council for the past 8 years he is proud to see taxes remain low and the continued delivery of quality services to the City and the continued priority of improving our civic infrastructure like water and sewer and repaving streets and building sidewalks.
Community safety continues to be a very high priority, as part of Council working with the RCMP and Provincial Government the implementation of 24-hour policing was a big plus. That along with the establishment of specialized RCMP units based out of our City, violent crime and gang activity has been reduced in our city. The development of recreation infrastructure such as the skateboard park in Lions park and the community walking path have been exciting additions.
Tom is extremely excited to see the new CO-OP Center be completed in 2025. The new Arena, Field House and Event Center will be a massive benefit to the City and our neighbors' residents of the RM and Flying Dust First Nation.
He believes that his background, life experience and 8 years on City Council, gives him the ability to continue to bring a strong voice for creating a safe city, a positive environment for businesses and continued sound fiscal management.
Connie Marsh-Yuhasz
As a lifelong resident of the Meadow Lake area, I try to make a positive impact in my community. In the past I have been involved with School Community Councils and currently volunteer with the Meadow Lake Hospital Foundation, as Treasurer. As a home owner and fellow tax payer I care about fiscal responsibility and the future plans for our Meadow Lake residents and business community. Meadow Lake Home Hardware Building Centre is my current employer, I enjoy my role as Marketing & Merchandising Manager.
Conrad Read
Employed with the Government of Saskatchewan as a District Operations Manager for the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure
Served three terms as City Councilor with the City of Meadow Lake
Resided in Meadow Lake for 35 years raising a family that I am proud to call my home
Served on Meadow Lake Minor Hockey executive board for 15 years
Served on the Saskatchewan Hockey Association for 8 years
Served on the Meadow Lake Parks and Recreation board for 12 years of which 6 were as the board chairman
I believe my experience, skills and attributes contribute to fiscal responsibility, strategic planning, citizen engagement, effective decision making in our planning for the future.
In my past 3 terms I have served on the Lakeland library board, the police committee, the recreation board, Rec Centre fundraising and the investment committee.
I have been the Deputy Mayor on a rotating basis with other councilors
Mauri Young
I have been a part of the community for over 44 years, going to school here, raising my son here, being a business partner in Ron’s Plg & Htg (1980) Ltd and Meadow Lanes/Bear’s Den.
I have learned a lot being on City Council these last 4 years and would like to continue. To continue to see my motion for the communication plan, that was approved and developed, to be implemented. To be part of the planning and development of the former Stampede Grounds, the westside commercial development and the city requirements for FDFN development.
My main concerns still are infrastructure, growing the economy, accountability, taxes, crime, having City employees working and communicating together from the ground up so that when we fix things, we don’t have to re-do the same thing over and over. We need to bring common sense back to our community.
Vote for Mauri Young.