The City's policies regarding records retention and public access to records are governed by The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LAFOIP). This legislation governs all public bodies in Saskatchewan and dictates how the City can collect and use personal information, as well as which information can and cannot be disclosed to the public.
What records will the local authority give me access to?
Written documents, computer records, photographs or information stored by any other means are accessible under the Act.
However, the Act does exempt certain types of records from the application for access. For example, records that contain personal information about another individual, closed meetings of Council, and law enforcement investigations are not accessible.
Do I have to use this Act to obtain information from the City?
No. The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act does not replace the methods the City traditionally uses to provide information to the public.
If you want information, contact the City Clerk’s Office. Chances are, they will be able to help you immediately. Records such as Council minutes, financial statements, bylaws, etc. will continue to be available to the public through the City Clerk’s Office and on the City's website. It is always a good idea to contact the City first with your inquiry to see whether a formal application is required.
We try to make as many documents of interest public as possible through our website. You can find the majority of these on the Documents page.
If you can’t get what you need through everyday channels, The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act can be used. This will be required when the requested records may contain personal information that needs to be severed, or when the scope of the request will involve considerable staff time to compile the record(s).
What are the steps for using LAFOIP to obtain information from the City?
Complete an application form by filling in your name, address and enough information to let the City Clerk’s Office know exactly what record(s) you need.
Application forms are available at the City Clerk’s Office or can be printed from the City’s website. You may be asked to give further details regarding the information you are requesting to assist in retrieving the records.
How long will it take to get the requested information?
Every effort is made to supply the requested information as quickly as possible. However in some cases the records are not easily retrievable or discussions have to be held with other parties.
Within 30 day you will hear back from the City Clerk, either:
- Providing the requested information;
- Advising that the information will not be released and for what reason;
- Requesting additional information from you to clarify the scope of your request or provide a quote on service fees if it is a large scale request; or
- Advising that due to extenuating circumstances, it will take a further period of time, not to exceed 30 days, to respond to the request.
Does it cost anything to access records?
There is a $20.00 application fee which includes one hour of research time.
If your request is more complicated, processing fees of $25.00 per hour after the first hour will be charged.
If a copy of the record is provided to you, you may be required to pay a fee. For example, photocopy charges are $0.25 per page.
If you apply for access to a computer record, you may be charged the actual computer costs of searching for and retrieving the record.
A written cost estimate will be provided in advance if the costs are expected to exceed $50.00. No action will be taken without your authorization to proceed.
In some cases, the City may waive these processing fees. These are usually for cases where the records being requested are personal information of the applicant and/or if the fees will cause the applicant undue financial hardship.
What if the City refuses to give me access to a record I requested?
If you are refused access to a record or part of a record, you may ask the Provincial Information and Privacy Commissioner to review the decision.
If the Commissioner reviews the matter and you are still not satisfied, the decision to refuse to give you access to the record can be appealed to the Court of Queen’s Bench.
For further information you may contact:
Information and Privacy Commissioner
503 – 1801 Hamilton Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 4B4
Toll Free Telephone: 1-877-748-2298
Who can I contact for more information?
City Clerk’s Office
Telephone (306) 236-3622 ext. 208 or Email
Saskatchewan Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner