Community Volunteer Opportunities
Humane Society
The Meadow Lake & District Humane Society is a 100% volunteer run organization.
Housing Authority
The Meadow Lake Housing Authority is seeking 2 volunteers for their Board of Directors, for more details email or call 306-236-3622 ex 208
If you are a local non-profit organization and would like your volunteer opportunities listed here, email
Help Lines
Saskatchewan Health Line: 811
Public Health Meadow Lake: 306-236-1570
Mental Health helplines: 811, 306-236-1580, 306-240-5544
Saskatchewan Crisis Suicide Helpline: 306-525-5333
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Hope for Wellness Indigenous Crisis Intervention: 855-242-3310
Mobile Crisis: 306-757-0127
Farm Stress line: 1-800-667-4442
Trevor Lifeline Crisis support for LGBTQ2S youth: 866-488-7386