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Council Indemnity Committee

The Mayor and City Council are responsible for making decisions the affect the level and quality of services provided to the community by enacting Bylaws and providing direction on City policies and programs. Municipalities in Saskatchewan pay their elected officials to compensate them for the time and effort they invest in governing and representing their communities, these payments are called indemnities.

The amount elected officials are paid acknowledges the significant commitment required to serve in public office and ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds can consider running for office without being deterred by financial constraints. It also helps to attract qualified and dedicated individuals who might otherwise not be able to afford to take on the responsibilities of public service.

Compensating elected officials is a way to maintain the integrity of the municipal governance system by providing a transparent and accountable means of remuneration for public duties, as opposed to relying solely on external or private sources of income.

Who chooses how much our local elected officials are paid?

As per the Council Indemnities Policy, Council indemnities are reviewed by an independent committee (the "Citizen Review Committee") comprised of local volunteers, every 4 years (during the election year).

The last time the indemnity policy was reviewed was prior to the last municipal election in 2020.

What does the Indemnity Committee do?

At the June 10, 2024 Regular Council meeting, City Council approved a Citizen Review Committee Mandate for 2024. This mandate outlines what the Committee is responsible for, their guiding principles and a deadline for the committee to provide Council with their final report.

Citizen Review Committee Mandate
Under City Policy 200-12-001, an independent committee of residents is to be established to review and to provide recommendations regarding the remuneration and benefits paid and resources provided to the Mayor and City Councillors.

The Committee will be composed of at least three and up to five community residents. City Administration will be tasked with providing the Committee with resources and information required to complete the review.
The Committee will be directed to consider the following items:
  1. How the rates currently paid to Mayor and Council compare to other communities of similar size.
  2. How the rates currently paid to Mayor and Council compare to the duties and expectations of those offices.
  3. Whether the current rate structure should be altered in any way.
  4. Whether any additional support should be provided to Mayor and Council for them to carry out their duties as elected officials.
The recommendations of the Committee will be made following the guiding principles of:
  1. The fiscal well-being and responsible use of taxpayer funds by the City; and
  2. The ability to attract and retain effective members of Council who are able to represent the interests of all residents. 
The Committee will present their final report and recommendation to Council in September and any changes are effective after the November 13 municipal election. This timeline also allows any changes to be incorporated into the 2025 budget process.

In order to remove themselves from the remuneration setting process as much as possible, Council has committed to adopting the recommendations of the Committee provided they align with the guiding principles listed above. Once the report has been provided to Council, the Committee will have met its mandate and will be automatically disbanded.

How much of time a commitment is being on this committee?

Historically, not much time is required of the Committee members, approximately 5-10 hours, including the one time the Committee is expected to meet. The Committee will be provided the information they need to make an informed decision by City Administration prior to meeting. At the meeting, the Committee will convey to City Administration what they'd like the final report to include. Finally, the Committee will review and make final comments on the report City Administration compiles before it and the corresponding policy amendments are brought to Council in the fall.

In 2024, it is anticipated that the Committee will meet between July 29 and August 2; applicants wishing to sit on the Citizen Review Committee must be able and willing to meet during this time, virtual attendance can be accommodated.

How do I become part of the Citizen Review Committee?

Each term the City looks for 3-5 community residents to be on the Committee. We look to compile a diverse group of people to ensure the Committee represents the complex makeup of our community. Further questions regarding Council Indemnities or the Citizen Review Committee can be emailed to the City Clerk.

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024 committee.
